We have to do all the fun things at engagement sessions, after all wedding days are so rushed. Why not take the time to practice the first dance and then, we definitely have to do all our new dance moves in the autumn sunset, because these moments are worth remembering forever. Congratulations to Reeghan & […]

Dance Moves ~

The last of Roundup fashion sessions are in the books for 2019 and I’d say we officially went out in some serious style. The ladies of RQ are out of this world beauties and, yes, I’m mostly referring to Lydia. 😉 I can’t thank the incredible Quincy Eldridge enough for trusting me with producing these […]

Or as I like to call her ~ Geena.  Damn, girl. You turned up the heat on McKay Creek! As much as this hurts, I’m just going to say it . . . I’ve never seen Steve happier. 🐔HUGE thank you for coming to visit us and bringing the pickles. You and yours are always […]

City Raised, Farm Saved ~ at the ranch

It’s been close to a year since I’ve done a session at this location and at random it also happened to be an evening when one of the biggest storms I’ve ever witnessed rolled into town. ⛈ Thankfully, we were all but done when it hit, but what a crazy show! Thank you to these […]


my work on instagram @shanabaileyphoto

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