Pendleton Senior Outdoor Beauty

I thought I would eventually run out of amazing things to say about the Class of 2017 . . .then, of course, I met Miss Baylie.

Well, lets just say, the world is a better place with her gorgeous smile, hug heart and sweet laughter in it. Spending the evening with Baylie and her mother (and Gunner!) was just about the perfect way to spend any evening. Miss Baylie has big plans, too . . .  wonderful, gorgeous, life changing and world bettering plans ~  I’m talking about becoming a nurse, obviously! My favorite people in the world are made up of an elite group of nurses and I don’t doubt for a minute that my group just expanded by one. What a very perfect occupation for a this young kind soul.

Baylie, I’m head over heels for you (and all your dimples, even your short arms and double jointed hands). You have everything you need to soar and I can’t wait to watch you do it!

Carry on, Love!

Baylie’s Hair & Makeup by the always fabulous, Ashely Brandsen, River’s Edge Salon, Pendleton, Ore.



my work on instagram @shanabaileyphoto

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